How do you manage your business during the COVID-19 pandemic?

How do you manage your business during the COVID-19 pandemic?


GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

219 week ago — 5 min read

The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to all business owners. Brick-and-mortar stores are closed due to lockdown. Different industries especially businesses selling non-essential products at these trying times are also affected.

Although these challenges can lead to fear and anxiety, business owners, known as opportunity seekers, are doing their best to adapt to the sudden changes.

We asked some UnionBank GlobalLinker members on how they manage their business at these challenging times. The following are their insights.


Instead of promoting your product, shift on improving your product

While this is not the best time to push your marketing efforts on selling your products, you can make the most out of this time to improve your product or service.

“We have to stop all our marketing efforts because there’s no point in marketing (your products) if our target audience is focused on survival,” Jason Arteche of Legal Tree shared with UnionBank GlobalLinker.

“Instead, we took this opportunity to focus all our efforts on further improving our product and planning the launch of new ones. We are also focused on producing content relevant to our target market in light of the ECQ (i.e. blogs on relevant government regulations issued pursuant to the ECQ),” he added.

Producing positive content or human interest stories can also help your target market at this time. This types of content can help your audience or customers get rid of fear and negative thoughts brought on by the pandemic.

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Gen Millare
, CEO of Godmother, also resonates Jason’s insights. “There’s a certain line that you don’t cross. You don’t know when people are suffering so you have to respect what they are going through. Don’t promote your products unless they are essential (in this crisis).”


Channel your energy to educate yourself and improve your skills

Though there are limitations due to lockdown, this situation has also led us to explore digital solutions and services that can help our business move forward.

For, Warren Van Perez, founder of Tradersturf.Energy, this has brought him to focus on opportunities brought by the crisis.

“With the amount of time made available by the lockdown, we are able to educate ourselves on a daily basis. Tons of educational resources are available online on top of the numerous live webinars locally and abroad,” Warren said.

Carlos Garcia Payumo
, owner of CP Garcia Commercial Space Leasing, also maximized this time by attending online webinars to get updates about the pandemic and understand the trend shifting to the ‘new normal.’


There’s a certain line that you don’t cross. You don’t know when people are suffering so you have to respect what they are going through. Don’t promote your products unless they are essential (in this crisis).


Recalibrate and strategize

Rodel Sinapilo, co-owner of Cocodeli Coconut Products, is facing the crisis with optimism. “There are opportunities out there waiting to be unlocked and treat this as a time to recalibrate and strategize and of course, pray and trust God for better days ahead.”

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Time to take care of yourself

As entrepreneurs are used to be always on the go – hustling from here and there, the pandemic reminds us to take care of our health; that more than the money and jobs you bring, your health should always be part of your priority.

“I work out and watch out my food intake and even the stuff that I watch,” Carlos shared.

“We are committed in our efforts to come out as better versions of ourselves once this pandemic is over,” Warren said.

Image source: Shutterstock

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Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured members. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the members.
