How to increase sales during the holidays

How to increase sales during the holidays

Ideas & Innovation

Trixie Cruz Shimamoto

Trixie Cruz Shimamoto

129 week ago — 5 min read

We all know retail sales experience a chunk of the year’s income during the holiday season. Shoppers are buying all kinds of gifts for special people in their lives. While some brands and stores opt not to offer any discountor special offers during this time, it’s always a good idea to offer a good deal and put in a little extra marketing come Christmas.


Here are a few tips on how to increase your sales during the holidays: 


1. Exclusive Offers for Loyal Customers 

The holidays are all about giving! Now is the best time to reward loyal customers for their patronage throughout the year. Nothing says ‘thank you’ more than exclusive discounts and special freebies! Not only can these loyalty deals drive up a customer’s average basket, but the rewards they receive encourage them to keep coming back and spending their hard-earned money on a brand that values them. Remember, acquiring new customers can be tough but rewarding your current ones is pretty easy. 


2. Gift Certificates 

Maybe your business isn’t retail but service-based. How do you drive up sales for these kind of businesses? Gift certificates! Offer holiday GCs to customers who’d like to give your service as a gift. A free haircut, mani-pedi, a change oil or house cleaning all sound like great gifts to get this holiday season, don’t you think? 


Gift certificates also give choosey receivers the chance to pick exactly what they want instead of having to return and exchange something. A win-win for everyone! 


3. Gift Sets & Bundles 

Shoppers love giving gifts with variety to their loved ones. It’s always a great idea to create gift sets and bundles during the holidays. Pair up some slow-moving items with something a fast-moving one or a bestseller and you’ll be surprised at the movement of these items. This helps move old inventory in your store and gives shoppers a nice gift set. 


4. Offer Free Shipping 

We’ve all experienced rethinking our online purchases once we see shipping fees. The added fee just makes us second guess if the purchase is worth it or if we should just buy it in-store.  


Consider offering free shipping for customers’ online orders. They can reach a minimum amount spent before they can avail of free shipping. This can help drive up average basket and increase your sales.  


With UnionBank GloabalLinker’s, create your own online store for free! Customers can shop for your products and have them delivered nationwide. They can set up payment and delivery gateways and create special promos online. Click here to get started with your own 


Gift certificates also give choosey receivers the chance to pick exactly what they want instead of having to return and exchange something. A win-win for everyone!  



5. Send Gift Suggestions 

The holiday season can pose some challenges especially if gift giving is not your love language. If gifts aren’t your forte, the season can bring you more stress and pressure as you figure out what to give everyone. Sending out gift ideas to your customers can help a lot! Create a list of your items that would be great gift suggestions. “Gifts for mom,” “gift for brother-in-law,” “gifts for boss,” the list can go on and on. Post this on social media or send out a newsletter to your customers. The suggestions will help them out and push your sales during the season. 


Image source: Canva 


Disclaimer: This article is based solely on the inputs shared by the featured member. GlobalLinker does not necessarily endorse the views, opinions & facts stated by the member. 


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